Our Summer here in Texas and afar has been wonderful!  
We seem to travel all of the time for going places, meeting people, seeing things, and collecting stuff is our life.  
We do a couple of huge trip every year primarily to some of favorite places in the East Coast and back in our van filling it with memories and great finds along the way.
We just returned from one of those journeys to upstate NY and the Hudson Valley.
We visited some of our favorite haunts and friends in St. Louis, Columbus, Lilydale, Utica, Hudson, Pomona, and Reading PA.  All stops full of specialness, great finds, and new friends.
This photo is of our old friend Aarne Anton (who has American Primitive Gallery in NY) and the artist Ted Ludwiczak.  We have always loved Ted's stone carved faces and have wanted to meet him for years.  He was no less than we imagined and much more....  We are excited to have brought a few of his pieces back to the gallery to keep his sweet memory with us.

