This is a wee bit of fandom.
My friend, JP of Neighborhood in Oak Cliff took this photo last night of one of my all time favorite artists, Dirk Fowler.
Here's the deal.....we have had the wonderful opportunity to visit and meet many great artists in addition to seeing a butt load of great art out there from artists whom I've never met but enjoyed their work.
So, what makes Mr. Fowler so special is what I was pondering this morning.
When I am around Dirk and his sweet wife Carol, I get giddy like I'm standing with a rockstar.
Dirk is bottom line the real deal.  The man has wit and an incredible eye for putting shit together like no one else I have ever encountered.  His use of color and images to alter the use or meaning of those things to become something else, always makes a bold statement, makes me smile, and continues to surprise the hell out of me.
Dirk has a modern simplistic style which always reminds me of something my friend Carl Block said years ago about Tim Kerr's artwork (in the background)  - "He uses the minimum strokes to get the maximum results".  This idea of styling even reminds me of Lubbock where Dirk and Carol live.  Look at all of the greatness that fits this idea which come out of the vast minimum landscape of West Texas.  
Dirk has captured that landscape and lassoed it up with his personal wit.  That's what makes it work so well.
